CLAIM: Gecko Lizards have dangerous venom and can kill within 60 seconds

Olukokun Yusuf

On June 18, 2023, @Santario_ a Tweep threw the Twitter timelines into a frenzy with his tweet, claiming gecko lizards also known as common house lizards’ skins are more venomous than snakes; and they can kill within 60 seconds if not medically attended to.

As of the time of filling this report, the tweet has had about one million views with over 500 comments and close to 4,500 quotes and retweets.

The post reads: “Take this information seriously. Medically it has been satisfied from findings that these animal geckos’ skins are more dangerous than snake venom, a drop from it can clear entire family when mistakenly taken along with meals, ignorantly people sees this animal as been harmless, also helps them to eat up other unwanted known insects like mosquitos, cockroaches and others, without knowing that this is the most dangerous killer in the household and environment.

“This reptile can kill within 60 seconds if not medically attended to pls be careful, wipe this animal today, before it wipe the family, to eradicate it totally in your home, just mix salt and garlic and put it in different corners of your room.

“You will never see them again. Save a life today and be happy tomorrow. There is no excuses.” Dr Stanley I.B.”

The claims in the above-quoted statement were extracted and verified. However, before verification, it is crucial to know what a gecko lizard is.

What is Gecko Lizard?

The Gecko lizard is also known as the common house gecko, a reptile that crawls around the house and is also an insectivorous animal. Animal Diversity stated that geckos only eat “insects and spiders it can catch and swallow”.

According to Animalfacts, “The common house gecko has become the world’s most widespread lizard through introductions to some countries primarily through stowing away in cargo which is being transported.”


Is the drop from animal gecko skins more dangerous than snake venom?

According to Letstalkscience, snake venom contains toxins. These toxins possess different compositions— some toxins attack the nervous system, some attack the circulatory system, and the muscular system.

Letstalkscience reported further that snake venom is poisonous to the body system once the toxins enter.

The article clarified: “Once the toxins are injected, they can work in several ways depending on the type of snake. Some toxins target the nervous system. These are called neurotoxins. Neurotoxins prevent neurons in the brain from transmitting signals. This causes paralysis. Other toxins harm the circulatory system. These are called haemotoxins. Haemotoxins can cause red blood cells to burst, causing blood to clot, or severely lower blood pressure. Other toxins harm the muscular system. These are called mycotoxins. Myotoxins cause tissue death in muscles and prevent muscle contraction. Another word for tissue death is necrosis. Snakebite poisonings are called envenomings.”

Snake venom varies, and this is because of the difference in their species and also the locations. This largely determines the compositions of the venom.

On the other hand, gecko lizards are considered to be harmless and not poisonous. According to Animal Diversity Web, “geckos are non-venomous and harmless to humans. Medium to large geckos may bite if distressed, however, their bite is gentle and will not pierce the skin.”


The claim that the drop from animal gecko skins are dangerous than snake venom is FALSE.

Does the reptile (gecko lizard) venom kill within 60 seconds if not medically attended to?

A journal published in 2011 by J.P. Kotangale titled, “Food poisoning and house gecko: myth or reality?” emphasized that gecko lizards are harmless creatures. The article also explained that geckos primarily feed on insects, have no interest in human food, and lack the ability to contaminate food directly with harmful substances. The author also stated that scientific studies have been conducted to test the hypothesis of gecko-induced food poisoning and have consistently found no evidence of geckos being a source of foodborne illnesses or causing death.

The reptile (gecko lizard) doesn’t kill and it has been considered harmless by some verifiable sources such as Animal Diversity and the fact-check by Africa Check’s report on geckos in 2019 and 2023 concluded that they are harmless and not poisonous.

Furthermore, in one of the articles on Pest Clinics titled: “Seven Facts You Need to Know About The Common House Lizard”. Number six (6) of the article pointed out: “Despite being harmless, there may be times when they can bite out of self-defense. There’s no need to be alarmed since their bites are not poisonous, but be sure to clean the wound thoroughly as soon as possible and apply antiseptic cream onto it to avoid infections.”


The claim that the reptile (gecko lizard) can kill within 60 seconds if not medically attended to is FALSE.


The claim that gecko lizards have dangerous venom and can kill within 60 seconds if not medically attended is FALSE.
