CLAIM: Guinness World Records Confirms Hilda Baci Has Set New Cooking Marathon Record

By Adeyemi Okediran

On Tuesday, May 16, 2023, a Facebook user, Yusuf Sherifat shared a picture on her Facebook page with a text that read, “It’s now official.. Congratulations Chef Hilda”.

The text on the picture shared showed the purported Twitter account of Guinness World Record with the caption, “Congratulations, Hilda Baci has set new Guinness World record for the longest cooking marathon by an individual.

The post had generated 12 comments, 46 likes and shared by one person at the time it was seen by this fact-checker.


N-VA extracted the claim, “Hilda Baci has set new Guinness World Record for the longest cooking marathon by an individual.”

According to a report published by Guinness World Records on its website today, it said officials on their records team are looking forward to reviewing the evidence and hope to be able to verify Hilda’s efforts as a new record very soon.

They said “We are aware of the record attempt and are looking forward to receiving the evidence for our Records Management Team to review, before we can confirm the record is official.”

Also, Hilda Baci’s has confirmed via her Twitter account that she’s yet to receive the award. She noted that her team is presently working on uploading their evidence via her official Twitter account.
The image attached to the tweet read thus, “Hello all, thank you all for the love and support you have shown throughout this journey towards achieving a world record. It has been amazing. We would like you to know we haven’t received the award yet and we are currently working on uploading our evidence. Thank you.”

Nigerian dancer and World Guinness Record holder Kafayat Oluwatoyin Shafau, better known as Kaffy, has revealed reasons for Guinness World Records’ perceived delay in verifying Hilda Baci’s record. Kaffy, who set the Guinness World Record for “Longest Dance Party” in 2006, said technical errors could prevent people from getting verified by Guinness World Records. She said it took almost two weeks for Guinness World Records to confirm her feat in 2006.

She said “A lot of people attempt and succeed in beating timelines but don’t get verified because of technical errors.”


The claim that Guinness World Records has affirmed Hilda Baci and awarded her the Longest Cooking Marathon by an Individual is FALSE as GWR is still reviewing the evidence from the cook-a-thon.
