
CLAIM: Bacteria Grows in Uncircumcised Women’s Vagina

CLAIM: An X user, A. A. ALHAJI OF NUPELAND (@AAAlhaji21), claims that bacteria grow in female genitals if not circumcised. 

VERDICT: The narrative that uncircumcised women are more likely to have bacterial growth in their genitals and that this may lead to increased sexual desire and promiscuity is NOT backed by any scientific evidence. Hence, the claim is FALSE.

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CLAIM: Nobel Laureate, Dr. Dennis Mukwege Resigns, Accuses Government Of Coronavirus Patients’ Data Falsification

Olakunle Mohammed  Last week, a WhatsApp message (news report) alleging that COVID-19 coverups were the reason Nobel Peace Prize winner, Dr. Dennis Mukwege, had resigned from the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) COVID-19 Response Team surfaced on social media platforms. The ‘news report’ shared on many Facebook pages, Instagram posts, WhatsApp broadcast messages, and blog […]

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